Join us as we bird Lake Michigan and its shoreline during the migration of waterfowl through Milwaukee, Ozaukee, and Sheboygan Counties. Starting at the Texas Ave. overlook we will look for migrants such as Red-throated Loons, White-wing Scoter, Black Scoter, Surf Scoter, Red-neck Grebe, mergansers, various wintering gulls, Peregrine Falcon and late migrant songbirds.
Meet on the east end of the Dutch Mill Park & Ride by 6:45am. Folks who are vaccinated and comfortable doing so are welcome to carpool. Folks who would rather drive separately can caravan (following the lead car) from Dutch Mill to Milwaukee, beyond, and back.
Dress for the weather, bring a scope and/or binoculars if you have them. Plan to bring snacks, lunch, and enough water to last the day!
FIELD TRIP LEADER: Pat Ready ( and Steve Thiessen (, 608-445-2484)
RAIN DATE: Sunday, November 5
Minimal walking required
Trail grade and number or type of trail impediments are ok for those with difficulty walking or wearing children in packs
RSVP REQUIRED? Yes, please register below
Cover: Birders stand along the Lake Michigan shoreline with binoculars and scopes pointed out at the lake. Photo by Alenka Weinhold