Protecting Jefferson Marsh Wildlife Area

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June 16, 2020

Natural Resources Board
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Dear Board Members,

On behalf of Madison Audubon Society (MAS), I respectfully ask your support of the addition of 75.42 acres to the Jefferson Marsh State Wildlife Area and State Natural Area. MAS has approximately 3,200 members in ten counties in south central Wisconsin, including many in Jefferson County. We own and manage major wildlife sanctuary lands that feature remnant and restored prairies, wetlands, and savannas just to the north of the Jefferson Marsh.

This purchase will improve the habitats at and public access to the Jefferson Marsh. More specifically, about half of the acreage is tamarack swamp, a relatively rare habitat in southern Wisconsin. Of the remaining acres in crops, DNR’s staff report notes that 15 are on soils subject to severe erosion hazard. Converting those to native vegetation over time will improve wildlife habitat and water quality in this very important wetland.

The staff report emphasizes the value of this purchase to hunters, which is entirely appropriate. MAS believes the extraordinary importance of this area to birders is also noteworthy. In the DNR's publication Great Wisconsin Birding & Nature Trail:  Southern Savanna Region, the historical importance of the Jefferson Marsh to birders is emphasized:  "Because of the exceptional viewing, birds have been monitored here [the Jefferson Marsh] since the 1800s”.

We thank the DNR staff who have made this addition to the Jefferson Marsh possible and thank you for your consideration of this request.


Matthew Reetz, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Photo by Joshua Mayer