
Internships and first jobs

The latest Madison Audubon newsletter featured some wonderful news and newcomers. Our two teams of interns have started their summer work at our sanctuaries. At Goose Pond:  Emma Thogmartin, Katie Porubcan, Maurisa (Mo) Perez, Paul Millan, Krister Martensson and at Faville Grove:  Josh Brazee, Olivia Granec, Samuel Guerra, Lexi Kohn, Grace Lezotte, and Mikael Rohou. FABULOUS FOR US AND THEM.

Photo by David Musolf.

Summer at the Sanctuaries

Summer at the Sanctuaries

Bring on the heat, the bugs, the plants, the birds, and the learning. Madison Audubon’s summer ecological restoration internships are now in full session, with twelve undergraduate students learning the techniques, art, and science of ecological restoration at our Faville Grove and Goose Pond Sanctuaries.

Photo by Brenna Marsicek during 2007 summer internship at Faville Grove Sanctuary

Harvesting the Goodness

So you've voted or made plans to do so; you've reached out to a few friends or relatives to remind them to do and offer to help. As a modest thank you from Madison Audubon, how about some good news? As far as I'm concerned good news these days has the status of cold water in the midst of a desert hike. And the news concerns a righteous Madison Audubon act this summer.

As summer approached Madison Audubon had to decide if we were going to employ ecological restoration interns at our Goose Pond and Faville Grove Sanctuaries, as we have each year for many years. COVID presented challenges in ensuring that our interns and sanctuary staff had safe working conditions.

Photo by Drew Harry

Fun in the Faville Grove sun

Prior to the internship my knowledge about south-central Wisconsin native and non-native plants, birds, and conservation techniques was very limited. Now, several weeks in, I have learned a variety of prairie, woodland, savanna, and wetland plants. Naming and identifying plants are skills that needs to be practiced over and over to eventually be engraved into you.

Photo by Josh Rohrer