
Tips for Tricky Bird IDs: Shorebird Edition!

Identifying birds is hard. No matter the species, no matter the time of year—it’s a challenge. The right bird but the wrong lighting conditions can fool even an expert birder, but us newbies? Oof, sometimes it feels like we don’t even have a chance.

Every season, it seems like there are new arrivals destined to fool us, again and again. Right now, it’s shorebirds. In the few months that they’ve been gone, it feels like everything that I learned about shorebird ID migrated north with them. And unfortunately, it doesn’t look like my shorebird knowledge made the return trip, so I’ve had to do some studying up!

In this week’s Entryway to Birding blog, I’m going to share some of the most helpful shorebird ID tips I’ve picked up along the way. I’ll also talk through some side-by-side comparisons of some of our most common, yet confusing, shorebirds.

Let’s get started!

Photo by USFWS Northeast Region