The elections of Evers and a Legislature that will probably support his vetoes means that destructive changes to our environmental programs are less likely to happen. The Governor has been a strong supporter of the Stewardship program, which has emerged as the key priority for conservations.
Which leads to more specifics. Within weeks or days, this blog and other missives from Madison Audubon , Gathering Waters, Groundswell Conservancy, The Prairie Enthusiasts, the Mississippi Valley Conservancy and on and on will ask us to contact our legislators and ask that they support Stewardship. The program needs more money, more time, and less anonymous control by the Joint Finance Committee. The struggle between the Governor and the Republican majority in the Legislature will be how to spend the billions (yes, you read that right) in surplus funds. You'd think the state's sound finances would bode well for Stewardship. I hope so but I doubt it. In my opinion, much of the Republican opposition to Stewardship is ideological. But, but, but, many Republicans still recognize the value of Stewardship and its importance to many constituents. They are why we still have the program. Let's make sure they hear from us again, early and often.
Now is the time in the blog that I make the points that conservation should be bi-partisan and that historically many Republicans have supported conservation, especially Stewardship. Then comes the hope that those days might return.
One test will be whether Fred Prehm finally leaves the DNR Board. Thanks to some dogged reporting and Marcy West, a courageous DNR Board Member, we know that Prehm has stayed on the Board long after his term expired with the encouragement of Republicans in the hopes that Evers would lose and he would be re-appointed. If he leaves and the Republican dominated Senate approves an Evers appointee to the Board, we can hope that some cooperation on conservation is possible.
Let's hope. And prepare to contact those legislators.
Topf Wells, Madison Audubon advocacy committee chair