land steward

Land matters

Land matters

From the August 2022 Newsletter: Executive Director Matt Reetz shares examples of three land acquisition projects (among many) from the past few years, and what they mean for conservation.

Illustration by Kaitlin Svabek/Madison Audubon.

Knowles-Nelson Stewardship = land + birds

Governor Evers has proposed a 10-year renewal of $70 million a year for the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program, one of the biggest sources of funding for major land and water conservation projects statewide. In turn, this work protects our wonderful birds and wildlife! Within about five miles of any given Important Bird Area (IBA) in WI, there are 3,500+ Knowles-Nelson projects protecting over 370,000 acres.

Madison Audubon photo

Reflections of a Goose Pond Sanctuary Land Steward

I’ve had so many wonderful experiences as the Goose Pond Sanctuary Land Steward. Some memories stand out and seem to define my time here, while others lose all their sharpness and instead coalesce into something like background music, except that this background music is made up of whistling swans and rustling prairie grasses. I’ve attempted to share a bit of both of these types of memory here. I hope that these reflections will add something to your own savored memories of nature and conservation.

Photo by Maddie Dumas